Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NHL 2K7 (gamezone)

- gamezone -

NHL 2K7 is the latest hockey game in 2K Sports’ hockey franchise, and is the first hockey game released on the PlayStation 3. Luckily, instead of being another botched port of a 360 game (which is unfortunately the case with much of the PS3’s launch library), NHL 2K7 is a great hockey game that makes good use of the PS3’s sixaxis tilt functionality. If you’re a hockey fan with a brand-new PS3, then you can’t go wrong with NHL 2K7.

The main element that NHL 2K7 offers on the PS3 that helps it stand out from the other versions of the game is the use of the PS3’s sixaxis controls. Whereas in many PS3 launch titles the tilt functionality feels more like an afterthought and a gimmick tacked on late in the game’s development, this is not the case in NHL 2K7. Jolting the controller forward when approaching an opposing player will allow you to check them, knocking them down and grabbing the puck. Depending on how hard you jolt the controller forward, your player will hit harder or lighter. This adds a whole new element to hockey games, if not the whole sports genre, and is one of the great ways that NHL 2K7 pulls you into the game.

Checks aren’t the only great things that you can do with the sixaxis in NHL 2K7, as the Crease Control system is now utilized with the tilt sensitivity possibilities of the controller. Crease Control basically allows you to take control of your goalie when on defense, giving you a more hands-on approach to defending your goal. The sixaxis really helps out a lot in this situation, giving you a range of control and accuracy that couldn’t be done previously.

The game’s franchise mode is meticulously deep, allowing you to micromanage nearly all of the elements of your team, from contracts to overall team morale and scouting reports.

Aside from the franchise mode, you have several different kinds of side-games that you can play. Among the more unique are mini-rink games, where you play a two-on-two against another team on a mini-rink, and Pond Hockey, where you play on a frozen pond.

Graphically, NHL 2K7 is a solid-looking game. The animations are very smooth and the environments look excellent, showcasing a high level of detail and polish.

The sound is also quite good, with great sound effects, some great commentary and a solid soundtrack courtesy of Sub-Pop Records (The Postal Service, Mudhoney, Sleater-Kinney). One interesting new addition is the new cinemotion option, which lets you completely nix the commentary in favor of a dynamic score that will adjust itself according to the mood of the game. This is a pretty innovative new addition, as nothing quite like it has been done in a sports game before. However, some might be a little put-off by the general cheese factor inherent (kinda makes you feel like you’re playing Miracle or some other by-the-numbers feel-good sports movie) and opt for the commentary to get a more realistic feel.

NHL 2K7 is a great hockey game, with some truly innovative new features and an excellent control scheme. If you love hockey and have a PS3, this is your game this year.

Review Scoring Details for NHL 2K7

Gameplay: 9.0
The game features spot-on controls that make great use of the sixaxis controllers capabilities and add a whole new element of immersion to the game. The feature set is also great, with a very deep franchise mode as well as some cool training games.

Graphics: 8.5
The ice rinks look fantastically detailed, and the player animations are smooth and look great.

Sound: 8.5
The sound effects are spot on, as is the commentary. The cinemotion elements are an innovative concept, but may not be for everyone.

Difficulty: Medium

Concept: 8.5
NHL 2K7 offers up plenty of play modes and extras, and make great use of the motion-sensing capabilities to pull you into the game.

Multiplayer: 8.5
NHL 2K7 has plenty of fun online modes and support for up to four people to hit the ice on one system.

Overall: 8.5
NHL 2K7 is a solid game of hockey with fantastic controls and tons of features. If you’re a hockey fan with a brand new PS3, then look no further.

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