Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bumpy Start for Xbox Live Video Service (gamespy)

- gamespy -

Very few events in the world kick off without a few kinks to work out of the system. Space Shuttle launches are constantly delayed, games need to be patched, and factories churn out the occasional dead console. Microsoft's new video service is the latest example of an imperfect launch. According to a report by the BBC, a number of users have experienced some glitches. For some, content isn't being delivered as promised, for others the wrong content is delivered. There are also complaints of painfully slow downloads.

Some of these issues, such as the slow downloads, are being blamed on a high number of users logging on to Xbox Live to download content. Meanwhile, Microsoft says that it is aware of the other issues and says that it is working to resolve the problems. Keep in mind that some downloads, especially high definition feature films, are very large and only the fastest broadband connections around will be able to get them from Live to your Xbox 360's hard drive in a timely manner. Customers are urged to call 1-800-4MYXBOX if they run into problems -- just be ready for a potentially long wait.

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